Today's Quote
Silence is the mother of truth.
Benjamin Disraeli
more Quotes

maandag 16 oktober 2023


 Two cats

 One upon a tree

 One under the tree

The cat up the tree is a he 

The cat under the tree is a she

The tree is with Elm, just incidentally

He takes no notice of she, she takes no notice of he,

He stares at the woolly clouds passing, she stares at the tree.

There's been a a lot written about cats,by Old Possum, Yeats and Company

but not Alfred the Musset or Lord Tennyson or Poe or anybody

Wrote about one cat under and one cat up, a tree

God Knows why this should be left for me

Except I like cats as cats be

Especially one cat up

And one under

A witch elm


Ewart Wilne



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Ergens in de kast

Ergens in de kast staat een mapje met onaf werk. Soms grabbel ik daarin en ga eraan verder